Small Business Computers: It’s hard to make money with a computer, but saving money is a different story. This week I talk about how to save money in productivity with regular maintenance.

Last week I made a promise to talk about ways we can make more money from technology our businesses already own. A customer caught up to me and suggested I…

Continue ReadingSmall Business Computers: It’s hard to make money with a computer, but saving money is a different story. This week I talk about how to save money in productivity with regular maintenance.

Christmas Computing 2015: Even with a better economy many people are still stretching their budgets to make technology purchases this season.

Well, I did it. I made the mistake of shopping this weekend. During my last minute purchasing blitz I blundered more by meandering into the electronics section and crossed paths…

Continue ReadingChristmas Computing 2015: Even with a better economy many people are still stretching their budgets to make technology purchases this season.

Bargain Computer Shopping: Don’t fall for the stuff after the sale. Warranties, service and accessories are where computer stores profit most.

You've probably never thought about how a company profits from a computer sale. But, I know you've most likely been frustrated by all the trial software and in-store offers when…

Continue ReadingBargain Computer Shopping: Don’t fall for the stuff after the sale. Warranties, service and accessories are where computer stores profit most.

Reducing PC Bottlenecks: Processor speed and lots of memory are not always the best solution for making a computer fast.

Most custom computers built through my company are assembled from tried and true components. Every now and then a customer will hit us with a build for a specific application…

Continue ReadingReducing PC Bottlenecks: Processor speed and lots of memory are not always the best solution for making a computer fast.

A Month of 10: Windows 10 has been out for a month and although most upgrades have gone smoothly, some have had some real issues and problems.

Windows 10 has been available for a month so I thought it would be fitting to use this week's article to talk about some of the good and bad of…

Continue ReadingA Month of 10: Windows 10 has been out for a month and although most upgrades have gone smoothly, some have had some real issues and problems.