Today’s Viruses: Although malware and viruses themselves haven’t changed much, how your computer deals with them has.

  Computer viruses seem to hit us at the most inopportune times; slowing down our computer or making it completely inoperable. Although some people seem to know exactly how they…

Continue ReadingToday’s Viruses: Although malware and viruses themselves haven’t changed much, how your computer deals with them has.

A Month of 10: Windows 10 has been out for a month and although most upgrades have gone smoothly, some have had some real issues and problems.

Windows 10 has been available for a month so I thought it would be fitting to use this week's article to talk about some of the good and bad of…

Continue ReadingA Month of 10: Windows 10 has been out for a month and although most upgrades have gone smoothly, some have had some real issues and problems.

Maintaining Office Computer Systems: Spending money on computers hardly seems like a good decision until your business is interrupted by a failed computer.

I'm always amazed how much I spend on technology to keep my business going. It seems like I'm constantly replacing components or making upgrades to each of my business' computers.…

Continue ReadingMaintaining Office Computer Systems: Spending money on computers hardly seems like a good decision until your business is interrupted by a failed computer.