Smartphone Repairs: Sometimes not fixing your phone is the best idea, here’s how the cell phone industry works.

Within the last year I've started repairing smartphones and other portable devices. It's been an interesting battle learning the types of items to inventory and new processes. The biggest challenge…

Continue ReadingSmartphone Repairs: Sometimes not fixing your phone is the best idea, here’s how the cell phone industry works.

ATM’s, Bitcoins and Smartphones: Managing our money electronically means one more step towards removing the human element from commerce.

More than half a lifetime ago when I was establishing myself in New York one of the major selling points of the bank I chose was the vast number of…

Continue ReadingATM’s, Bitcoins and Smartphones: Managing our money electronically means one more step towards removing the human element from commerce.

Bargain Computer Shopping: Don’t fall for the stuff after the sale. Warranties, service and accessories are where computer stores profit most.

You've probably never thought about how a company profits from a computer sale. But, I know you've most likely been frustrated by all the trial software and in-store offers when…

Continue ReadingBargain Computer Shopping: Don’t fall for the stuff after the sale. Warranties, service and accessories are where computer stores profit most.

Reducing PC Bottlenecks: Processor speed and lots of memory are not always the best solution for making a computer fast.

Most custom computers built through my company are assembled from tried and true components. Every now and then a customer will hit us with a build for a specific application…

Continue ReadingReducing PC Bottlenecks: Processor speed and lots of memory are not always the best solution for making a computer fast.