Creating New Technology: Getting a new invention into a PC is more difficult than you might think. Thanks to open source projects like Arduino anyone with an idea can make it.

Over the weekend I had a chance to talk with an eight year old boy who's inventing a new computer gadget. After using his mother's PC, he's found a shortcoming…

Continue ReadingCreating New Technology: Getting a new invention into a PC is more difficult than you might think. Thanks to open source projects like Arduino anyone with an idea can make it.

Small Business Computers: It’s hard to make money with a computer, but saving money is a different story. This week I talk about how to save money in productivity with regular maintenance.

Last week I made a promise to talk about ways we can make more money from technology our businesses already own. A customer caught up to me and suggested I…

Continue ReadingSmall Business Computers: It’s hard to make money with a computer, but saving money is a different story. This week I talk about how to save money in productivity with regular maintenance.

Reducing PC Bottlenecks: Processor speed and lots of memory are not always the best solution for making a computer fast.

Most custom computers built through my company are assembled from tried and true components. Every now and then a customer will hit us with a build for a specific application…

Continue ReadingReducing PC Bottlenecks: Processor speed and lots of memory are not always the best solution for making a computer fast.

A Month of 10: Windows 10 has been out for a month and although most upgrades have gone smoothly, some have had some real issues and problems.

Windows 10 has been available for a month so I thought it would be fitting to use this week's article to talk about some of the good and bad of…

Continue ReadingA Month of 10: Windows 10 has been out for a month and although most upgrades have gone smoothly, some have had some real issues and problems.

Recycling Old Computers: It may not be worth your time to dismantle old PC’s in hopes of getting rich from scrap gold, copper and aluminum.

Crazy Eddy walked into my store last week and took a look at my recycling pile. "I bet you can make a pretty penny on that scrap." Like I do…

Continue ReadingRecycling Old Computers: It may not be worth your time to dismantle old PC’s in hopes of getting rich from scrap gold, copper and aluminum.