Today’s Viruses: Although malware and viruses themselves haven’t changed much, how your computer deals with them has.

  Computer viruses seem to hit us at the most inopportune times; slowing down our computer or making it completely inoperable. Although some people seem to know exactly how they…

Continue ReadingToday’s Viruses: Although malware and viruses themselves haven’t changed much, how your computer deals with them has.

Background Information: Digging up the dirt on someone may be as easy as typing their name into Google.

I have new neighbors who I don't particularly care for. They're the type of people who yell at each other constantly and thump around their house until all hours. Since…

Continue ReadingBackground Information: Digging up the dirt on someone may be as easy as typing their name into Google.

Trust Nobody: Some so-called technology professionals don’t know anything about products or services they’re selling.

Trust is something we come to expect from people who help us. Whether that help is personal or a business decision, we expect those who we ask for help to…

Continue ReadingTrust Nobody: Some so-called technology professionals don’t know anything about products or services they’re selling.