Very Old Computers: Beige boxes are making a comeback either due to nostalgia or because businesses are realizing upgrades require a major investment in software.

Three day weekends are a rarity for me so when I get them I relish the time. I spent most of Saturday cutting a nasty overgrowth of thorn bushes from…

Continue ReadingVery Old Computers: Beige boxes are making a comeback either due to nostalgia or because businesses are realizing upgrades require a major investment in software.

The Technology Business: Owning a repair business is more than just fixing laptops, iPads, PS4 and Xbox’s, I’m constantly juggling vendors and managing inventory

Competitors, sometimes they're a pain and other times they make you think about the way you do business. For the most part I'm on pretty good terms with most of…

Continue ReadingThe Technology Business: Owning a repair business is more than just fixing laptops, iPads, PS4 and Xbox’s, I’m constantly juggling vendors and managing inventory

Computerizing your office: Most businesses can make money without computers, I’m willing to bet your office would run just fine without any computers.

"I can't believe my parents ran their business without a computer," exclaimed my friend during a tour of their business in Upstate New York. She was aghast the family business…

Continue ReadingComputerizing your office: Most businesses can make money without computers, I’m willing to bet your office would run just fine without any computers.

Small Business Computers: It’s hard to make money with a computer, but saving money is a different story. This week I talk about how to save money in productivity with regular maintenance.

Last week I made a promise to talk about ways we can make more money from technology our businesses already own. A customer caught up to me and suggested I…

Continue ReadingSmall Business Computers: It’s hard to make money with a computer, but saving money is a different story. This week I talk about how to save money in productivity with regular maintenance.

Recycling Old Computers: It may not be worth your time to dismantle old PC’s in hopes of getting rich from scrap gold, copper and aluminum.

Crazy Eddy walked into my store last week and took a look at my recycling pile. "I bet you can make a pretty penny on that scrap." Like I do…

Continue ReadingRecycling Old Computers: It may not be worth your time to dismantle old PC’s in hopes of getting rich from scrap gold, copper and aluminum.

Planning for Disaster: Keep your business up and running by taking a few small steps to insure downtime will be kept to a minimum.

Thirty years ago computers were a novelty. Computers existed for specific business applications and only the most elite of companies ran on mainframes. In those days systems were designed around…

Continue ReadingPlanning for Disaster: Keep your business up and running by taking a few small steps to insure downtime will be kept to a minimum.

Maintaining Office Computer Systems: Spending money on computers hardly seems like a good decision until your business is interrupted by a failed computer.

I'm always amazed how much I spend on technology to keep my business going. It seems like I'm constantly replacing components or making upgrades to each of my business' computers.…

Continue ReadingMaintaining Office Computer Systems: Spending money on computers hardly seems like a good decision until your business is interrupted by a failed computer.