Remo's Brain. What's really going on In Jeromy's head?

So, you want to know what’s going on in my head? I feel sorry for you.

As many of my customers know, I have been publishing both online and in print for many years. I wrote a syndicated print article and was also published online. These articles were fun to write and all; but, they were heavily redacted and edited. Furthermore, I have never been able to write opinion pieces.

Come with me on a journey to explore projects I’m working on for this company, my other business and anything else I feel would be fun to write about.

My other business designs and manufactures all sorts of bizarre stuff. Some I can share and some I can’t. As I’m creating this page, I’m actively relocating my little manufacturing and laboratory space. It will be up and running shortly and then I’ll have some really bizarre stuff to share.

If you’re interested in reading some of my old work you can find it by Googling “Jeromy Patriquin” or if you know how you can search backlinks to this website.