What’s with the new page?

We all have those little things we used to do that we wish we could make time for. I’m not talking about dishes, laundry or all the other humdrum stuff that’s necessary. Although if you saw my kitchen or caught a whiff of me you’d realize I’m not very good at either of those anyways. I’m talking about continuing my blog posts.

I’ve been writing fun little tech articles for years and stopped about a year before the pandemic. Why? Well, life happened. Then I received notice my contract was up and the terms changed with the syndicate. Finally, I found myself moving from place to place after losing out on a house purchase. I think complacency snuck in a little bit. Eventually I found it was easier not writing articles.

About a year ago I purchased a house and completely gutted and renovated it. Nights, weekends and any extra time I had was dedicated to the house. Oddly, the guy working with me on this house did some digging one night and discovered I wrote these silly little articles. Apparently he read a bunch of them and said they were pretty good. I chalked it up as a guy making brownie points.

A few weeks back a customer asked if I was the same guy who wrote the Tech-Talk articles he found online. “That’d be me,” I replied. He too queried why I didn’t continue writing them. I didn’t have too much of an excuse so I came up with a plan to unarchive (if that’s a word) my old work from the syndicate and post it on the site. I can’t repost the articles I wrote for the online publishers but you can find them if you Google my name: Jeromy Patriquin.

The new articles are going to be a little looser than the ones I wrote for the print syndicate and online publishers. I was bound by contractual agreements, length and editors. I’m hoping I can come out of my shell a little bit and create fun content on a regular basis that isn’t critiqued by stodgy editors. My ultimate goal is to talk about stuff I see in the stores as well as venturing into my other business with some fun techy projects I’m working on there.

I create and manufacture little electronic gizmos. Some of them I can share and others I can’t. I’m always asked how electronics are manufactured; so, one of the up-and-coming posts will be all about the design and manufacture of electronics. That won’t be for a while because I’m moving the factory and my workshop to my house. But you get the idea.

Now it seems like I’m writing for writing’s sake, so I want to close by asking for article suggestions. Please feel free to text me or ask when you’re in the store. I’m open to all ideas.
